Bizprac Premium is the package of choice for established builders who want to gain the competitive edge over their competition while growing their business.

Bizprac Premium contains all of the tools required for a residential, light commercial, or architectural company to run their entire business from a single software system. It will allow you to keep track of your business, in real-time, right from the quote to the end of the job to make sure that you stay on track.

Most builders that use the Bizprac Premium software find it’s it saves them substantial time and money by providing them with an all-around view of their business.

If you use spreadsheets, or juggle various different software programs to do your quoting, accounting, budgeting and expense tracking, then you will want to check us out. Bizprac has a fully integrated system that handles major functions of your construction business and more.

By putting a good all round system in place now you will set your business up for future success.




  • Create Estimates from new, templates or copy an existing estimate (whole or in part)
  • Bundle raw materials and quantities into structures (assemblies / recipes)
  • Manage supplier price lists easily by importing price files, setting price zones, updating prices by % and more.
  • Extensive Estimate Reporting: Customisable layouts, cash flow management reporting, etc.
  • Missed Items: Review any products without quantities, costs, GST or suppliers to ensure everything is accounted for



  • Generate POs direct from an Estimate or from the Pricelist, with a wide range of options available: By cost centre, load, for multiple Jobs, Selected Products, etc.
  • Subcontractor Management: Track contracts, terms & conditions
  • Track the Outstanding Balance of POs for undelivered goods
  • Track Budget vs Actuals, Overruns, & Forecast Costs
  • Multiple Works in Progress (WIP) Reports are available, each using different variables
  • Store details & set reminders for certificates and defects liability expiry
Bizprac Premium is a all-in-one software system required for residential, light commercial, or architectural companies to run their entire business.
Our suite of features fully integrates all major functions of your business, from estimating, invoicing and accounting to payroll, retention and cost control.
Replace spreadsheets with accurate, real-time reporting and ensure you deliver your projects on time and on budget.



  • Handle unlimited projects at any value within your subscription, without concern for additional costs
  • Produce Recipient Created Tax Invoices (RCTI)
  • Voluntary withholding reporting for contractors
  • Subcontractor RFI forms
  • Generate Claims by Cost Plus, Stages or Percentage
  • Accounting Dashboard incl. graphs & reports
  • Bank Feeds with Bank Reconciliation: Attach statements & auto-match transactions from imported QIF/CSV files
  • Drill-down into ledger accounts & transactions
  • Tax Code Audit Trail



  • Create flexible payroll templates for employees
  • Single Touch Payroll & SuperStream Enabled
  • Mobile timecard app & import integration
  • Make secure diary entries on employee records, and attach docs
  • Flexible payslip email templates
  • Apply cost & chargeout rates back to Jobs
  • Ensure the confidentiality of employee payments
  • Pause and retrieve stored pay runs
  • TFN validator
  • Manage leave accruals



  • Equipment Register: Track depreciation, servicing & sale
  • Configurable security for users, groups & activity tracking
  • Configurable automatic backup tool